Hey, guys!
I thought I'd try something out: this is my first "theme day" on this blog! In "Memory Monday" I'll be posting about some of the fun, weird, embarrassing and just plain haunting memories I have tucked away in ma' noggin. :P I may not do it *consistantly* every week (depending on how it turns out...), but here we go.
I thought I'd start out with the first memory that came to my head. One that people still won't let me forget...
It is... the day I physically assaulted someone in a game of "Sharks and Minnows." O_o
Didn't know I had a violent streak? Well... you were wrong. And I show no remorse. He had it COMING.
Ok... it could've been, more or less, an accident. :P
At that point, I had never played a game of Sharks and Minnows in my life. Even worse, I'm the kind of person who won't understand how to do something unless you *show* me. Attempts at trying to explain it would be futile. I have to see how it works.
So I tried listening to the instructions, but heard mostly "blahblahblahMinnowsblahblahblahSharksblahblahblahOthersideblah." So with that, I blankly nodded and pretended to understand, then blindly ran into the fray.

For those of you who don't know, "Sharks and Minnows" is sort of a loose variation of tag. Players split up on two sides: One side is the Shark side, the other is the Minnow side. The shark side starts out with one person. Both sides run towards each other, the Shark's goal to tag people to create more sharks, the Minnows' goal to make it to the other side without being tagged. The last minnow standing wins, a new game is started, and the last person standing from the previous game becomes the new shark.
But see, I didn't really hear the last part. I figured that my friend Foster, the last minnow standing, still needed to be tagged, and it was him against all of us.
Good grief, was I wrong.
What I thought was the last round of the game (which was really the first round of the next game) was about to start. Tension floated with the pollen in the May air. Muscles tensed. Pure concentration chiseled itself into everyone's faces as they waited.... Waited....Waited.
And then... it STARTED!
Everyone started running for their lives for the other side. What are they doing?! I thought, He's in plain sight! Why isn't anyone tagging him?! I decided it was up to me. With determination rising, I confidently charged toward Foster, ready to tag him.
But let's just say that my aim wasn't very good.
I came to, and Foster was like O___O "What are you doing?!"
And I was like :O
And everyone else was like
Then I was like
So, yeah. Let's just say I haven't heard the end of it ever since. :P
Let's also say that Foster probably doesn't want to make me mad. >:)
What? I thought you were there! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks! :D
Well, it's a very accurate retelling, but she didn't explain how scary it actually was; she seriously looked like she was going to kill me. 0_0
ReplyDeleteAw, quit your whining, you pansy. :P LOL
ReplyDeletejk XD
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I just laughed really loud that was awesomely funny!
ReplyDeletehahaha Glad you liked it. XD