The first thing that came to mind when I tried to think of something random was custard. Oh, man, that sounds good right now... especially if it's nice and cold. This is odd, because I didn't really think I liked custard...
I think I have a zit on my eyelid. How is that even possible? Who gets a zit... on their eyelid...? :O
I have watched the Nutcracker an insane amount of times this winter. Ever since some of my sisters were in their Nutcracker dance recital before Christmas, Katie (who's 3) has been thinking of nothing else. She's had visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in her head for far too long! Although, it is kind of cute how excited she gets over it...
We just got a new couch. It looks so... clean... compared to our old one.
My room's beginning to look like we let a rabid chimpanzee out of its cage to wreak havoc on its surroundings.
I'm wearing red skinny jeans. (DON'T JUDGE ME!) lol :P
Sometimes I think in quotes from Spongebob. (The title is proof of this)
I totally want to go in one of those wind-tunnel thingies that make you fly.
Fake cheese is soooo good.
I love my stuffed monkey from build-a-bear (Her name is Mrs. Lunky Monkey. Kenz... if you read this... do you still have Mr. Chunky Monkey???)
My finger hurts.
I think I'm going to get in trouble for not eating my broccoli. (Broccoli=EVIL)
Puppets scare me.
My feet are cold.
Ooh, I got a notification on Facebook.
My eyebrow itches.
If I don't sound crazy to people by now, then maybe everyone else is a little crazy as well. We should, like, get together and have an "insanity party" and run around like idiots. Get everyone to join in the madness!!!
Anyone else think llamas are hilarious?
Josh, if you're reading this... I'm tired. Can you tell? ;)
I need chapstick.
I'm hungry.
This post is rather entertaining to write but probably a pain in the neck to read.
Maybe I should get back to studying now. I'm think I'm scaring people. :P
Steve: Done. :) Thanks for following me!
ReplyDeleteAnna: I DON'T NEED TO ANSWER TO YOU!!!! lol jk XD
Thanks. :)