Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I'm excited to announce that a fellow blogger has given me the Versatile Blogger award!

I didn't even prepare a speech! I'd like to thank my laptop, the academy... And the little people.

Hehe, I couldn't resist... ;D


So here are the rules.

Say thank you to the person who gave you the award.
Thank you, Kyla! It really makes me smile to know that there are people out there (a lot of whom I've never met in person!) who enjoy reading my blog. :)

List 7 random facts about yourself.

So... here I go again. :D
  1. I like crossword puzzles. 
  2. I'm not a morning person. 
  3. I hate confrontation.
  4. I don't have a belly button (just kidding... ;) 
  5. When I was little, I thought that Volleyball was pronounced "Ball-y ball." :P 
  6. I know three people who have identical twins.
  7. I love to sing! (But I can't sing in front of anyone else) >_< 

Give the award to 5 other bloggers.

Bethany from The Erratic Muse 
Polka Dot from (Life Is Too Short Not To) Wear Red Shoes
KayleeBeth from Raining Daisies
Ashley from Servant For Jesus 
Amanda from Joyful Lamb of Jesus

You guys are awesome bloggers! Keep doing what you're doing. :D 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the little people! I would have to say that I can relate to number 2, and number 7. I am DEFINITELY not a morning person and I love singing but I can't in front of other people (especially considering how bad I am:-))


You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the feedback!