Monday, June 4, 2012

Lessons from Tetris

I've been thinking a lot lately.
I've also been playing a lot of Tetris.

Ah, Tetris. If you haven't played it, then get out of here. Seriously. Get some help.
Just kidding. :)
But if you haven't played it, this is how it works: The goal of the game is to keep the blocks from stacking too high. The blocks come in different shapes, and you have to line them up right so they'll cancel out and you have more space.

Maybe it was the fatigue tugging at my logic, or maybe I had some sort of epiphany, but I realized: Life is a lot like Tetris.

Think about it. Life goes on, and the blocks keep coming. Stuff builds up, and normally if you're careful you can resolve it. But sometimes when you're not paying attention, you make a mistake and that block winds up in an awkward spot that makes it difficult to resolve. Sometimes it's not your fault; Sometimes the game throws in that random block you have no place for.

It's easy to freak out at that one annoying block that threw you off. But if you focus too much on it, it's almost hard to make the right decisions and things get worse. But if you take the situation as it is and try to build around it, things might get better.

Life makes it hard to have all your blocks in a row. But you have to work with what you were given, and trust that God will help you through it. :)

Dittos... Tetris... gosh, I just love using nerdy things to make a point. :D

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