I did a post last week about some things that annoy me. Here's the slightly-more-optimistic follow-up. :)
THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY! ...In no particular order. :)
(This may be harder to write than last week's post, because I was fueled by frustration... plus... there are soooo many things that make me happy!)
The sun. It's like all the happiness condensed into a big ball of firey BLISS! When the sun's not out, it just makes my life that much less happy.
Babies. Come on. I dare you to look at a baby and not smile.
Hippos. And please. Don't tell me how ferocious hippos really are... they're cute, and I actually get giddy when we see them at the zoo. XD
Playgrounds that are big enough for me to play on. We went to a playground a couple summers ago like this, and I think I was more excited than my little sisters. I was practically squealing with excitement until we had to leave. I've been dying to go back ever since.
Ukeleles. Music in general makes me happy... but have you ever heard a sad song with a ukelele?
Making people laugh. Making you happy makes me happy. :D
Those times where you're in the car, you look out the window, and just thank God for how *beautiful* everything is. Yeah, this one's pretty specific, but it actually happens to me fairly often. Especially when the sun is out. :)
Jesus. "...And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack." :P
The satisfaction of actually getting something accomplished. Lately, I wish I could feel this one more often. :P haha
Dancing. Yes, I've confessed to not being able to dance. :P I suck at most dancing, but I'm good at Regency/Civil War era dancing (where you're mostly skipping around and twirling). It's really, really fun. :) Plus... if something makes me really happy, I do indulge in the occasional "happy dance."
Friends and family. You guys are awesome! I don't know where I'd be without you. You've all made me smile and laugh more than anyone else.
Getting emails/IMs from friends. They definitely brighten my day. :)
Finding out that you got a good grade on a test you thought you'd fail. Phew!
Anything remotely cutesy and romantic (especially if it's what I talk about here). I'm a sucker for romance. It's sweet, and it makes me melt in a puddle of sighs and pathetic girly musings. <3
Going to the mall. We rarely go to the mall. When we do... I sort of look like I've been raised in a barn and have just been taken to the mall as an introduction to modern society. I get all giddy and excited. And the pretzels. Oh, the pretzels!
Going to the beach. If you thought I was bad at the mall... you haven't seen me at the beach.
Finding something that's been lost for a long time. If it's lost long enough, it's like it's brand-new. And who doesn't like finding brand-new items in random places?
Roller Skating. I love roller skating. Nothing more to it. :)
The smell of fresh-cut grass. Pure bliss.
Pringles. Thank you, mustache-wearing Pringles guy, for delivering to us your crispy, MSG-plaited deliciousness.
Doing the things I love doing. Learning Sign Language makes me happy, because I'm finally learning something that I've always been interested in. Playing the piano makes me happy, because it's epically FUN! Writing in this blog makes me happy, because I've finally found an outlet for my impulsive urge to write something.
So thanks for reading this! I'm hoping that at this point your joy is busting at the seams, and you're ready to explode into a swarm of butterflies or tapdance with a chimpanzee.
But if not, here's some inspiration. (Keep in mind the ukelele!)
I'm totally with you on the playground thing ;) It is SO nice to feel six again at times :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, Yay! Playgrounds are awesome! :D
Delete*Stands straight* Why, yes, of course. ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks. :D Glad you enjoyed it!
Well, I guess that's a start. XD lol
OMG WHERE IS THAT PLAYGROUND???!! I have to go there!
ReplyDeleteI love music and sunshine and the beach, oh yes. *happy sigh*
:) Another lovely post. "And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack." lol
I think it's in Mcminnville. It's a bit of a drive, but it's soooo worth it! XD
DeleteThanks for reading! :D
REally nice blog :)
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The Spotted Cherry Pie
Have a nice day!
Thank you. :)
DeleteI'll make sure to check it out.