Yesterday I caved into peer pressure.
No, I didn't partake in the usage of illegal substances.
I didn't vandalize a train.
I didn't even take the Cinnamon Challenge.
Instead, I saw John Carter in the theater.

I don't know... I guess it was just pretty much like, the last movie I ever wanted to see in the theater. Mostly because
I hate alien movies (with maybe a couple exceptions).
I don't like movies that focus more on the CGI and special effects than on the plot line.
It just sounded lame.
There's really no summery out there that can make this movie sound appealing.
"Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior." ~IMDb
"12-foot tall barbarians"? Seriously?
It didn't exactly help that all the trailers out for it practically cemented everything I had already thought about it.
But somewhere in between my dad's pleading and my friends' prodding, I finally said "FINE! Ok, I'll see John Carter." I mean... it was in 3D, and I'd never seen a movie in 3D before.
What wound up happening was that I sat in a fold-y movie theater chair, ate popcorn, and drank some soda. When I had acquired the desperate need to use the loo, I realized: I didn't want to get up, because I didn't want to miss anything. I actually wanted to know what would happen next. Having seen it, I can now say that the trailers don't do this movie justice. It's actually really good.
I don't want to reveal too much, but know that there's something for everyone in this movie.
Action and adventure


Alien dogs

The special effects are great without taking away from the plot, and the ending was awesome.
So here I am, swallowing my pride and saying, "Yes. this movie was really good."
If it was good enough for me to openly admit I was WRONG, then go ahead and check it out for yourselves. :)
Oh, also... I just had to throw this picture in for fun:

Pictures from Pinterest
Haha, that's funny... I thought you were totally excited to be seeing it. XD I'm glad I wasn't alone, then. lol