I'm convinced that at some point, every little kid plays "the sleeping game." They think it's just hilarious to pretend to be asleep convincingly enough that their parents believe them. You get to conciously lie there and listen to adults ooh and ahh about how cute you are when you're sleeping. But the best part is, you're really not! It's the passive-agressive way of pulling one over on your parents without getting in trouble because really, it's not that big of a deal. But if you could pull it off, you were a genius.
There were several times I attempted this when I was little. A few times it worked; other times, it backfired like an old car engine. Like at my sister's second birthday party.
I was five, and I think it was Christmas. We had my uncle and probably some other family members celebrating Karissa's birthday that evening. My memory fails me a little, but I know there was a box. It was a beautiful box. It was used to hold the new "Little People" parking garage that Karissa got as a birthday present, and it was the perfect size for me to crawl into and play the sleeping game.
It was going to be hilarious. People were going to see me.... and they're going to think I'm sleeping! IN A BOX! This is genius...
So I nestled into my carboard sanctuary, huddled into a cute little faux-unconcious ball. I faithfully kept my eyes forced shut, although they wanted to eagerly snap open and see if anyone noticed yet.
Soon enough (or was it eons?), I heard something.
"Hm, look at that box over there," a voice announces.
Footsteps. I keep my eyes shut and force my facial muscles to uniformity. I could hear my dad and my uncle standing over me.
My dad picks up the box and my excitement mounts. He has to see me now and think I'm asleep!
But then his voice proclaims, a little too loudly, "I think we should put this box outside!"

That's not what I was expecting.
Why isn't he pining over how cute I look?
As he walked to the door, I panicked a little. But I kept those eyes shut like my life depended on it. I couldn't just give up on the game! But... does he even notice I'm in here...?
I felt the box being lowered, and the light that poured from the house slowly faded as the door closed. I opened my eyes and blinked a little. I stared at the cold, dark world around me and felt all hope escaping. In hindsight, I wonder why I didn't just knock on the door. I just sat there, stunned and afraid.
I remember the thoughts running through my head at that moment.
Oh, no... I guess I'm going to have to sleep out here. I'm going to be bitten by mosquitos!
Forget about kidnappings, wild animals, or psychos with guns-- I might get bitten by mosquitos! The very thought surfaced tears in my eyes. What am I going to do?!
Suddenly, like sweet sunlight coming over the dark horizon, I saw the door open. I don't really remember who was standing there, I just remember hugging them and crying like I'd been stranded on our front porch for days.
It was a very traumatic minute and a half, but I soon forgot about it once we started eating cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteYou're so funny, Kay. :P
I remember playing that game, now I wonder if it ever worked at all. 0_0
Haha, thanks. :)
ReplyDeletelol I wonder the same thing... we probably were never able to keep a straight face (no matter how much we might have tried to) XD
Oh, no! Poor little you! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember pretending to talk in my sleep once... my mom pretended to be fooled.
In response to your comment on my blog, I got my happy shirt from the clearance rack at Delia's. It reminded me of my blog, so I had to buy it :)