Dear Toothbrush,
Thank you for sitting around and letting me scrub my cruddy teeth with your bristly face every day. I find that quite brave of you. I probably wouldn't like it if I had to rub my face on someone's molars. I might take you for granted a little bit.
Dear Diary,
You're probably the only one who's been able to sit there, shut up, and listen to all my pathetic ramblings, rants, and daydreams. That's pretty good for $12. You're better than any Shrink there is.
Dear Facebook,
I wish I knew how to quit you!
Jk, I'm too far gone for that.
Dear Buddy from the Dollar Tree,
Thanks for making my day. You're so freaking FRIENDLY. I love that! Most people who have to sit in a florescent lit room all day aren't as enthusiastic, but you treat your job like you're at a party. I hope I can be like that when I get a job. :)
Dear guy who nearly hit us crossing the street with his car that one time,
Slow down when you're in a parking lot, and for gosh sake PAY ATTENTION. I think I might have died a little after that episode. O_o
...And since this is just sort of a random post anyway, I thought I'd just throw in a few announcements.
I now have 25 followers!

Might not sound like many to some people, but I think it's awesome (heck, it's half way to 50, a quarter of the way to 100, and like... 1/40 of 1000!) :) Thank you all for reading my blog!
The title for this post is after the song "Life in Letters" by Lucy Schwartz. LISTEN TO IT (if you want to... ;)
I love looking at your blog :) your so fun!