Friday, November 23, 2012

Adventures in Monotony!

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been hiding under a rock for about a month or so now... 

There are several reasons why I haven't written in here in forever. I've had sort of a rough month involving job hunting (while sleeping like I work a night shift), eating lots of food, and reading copious amounts of Sherlock Holmes mysteries. I've written a few posts in my absence, but have yet to finish them, so right now they're collecting cyber dust my little post box without actually posting them. They're all really random and need a lot of work that I'm too lazy to produce right now. So I'm hoping you don't come after me with your pitchforks quite yet (I'm probably too lazy to run from you). 

It's sort of hard to write about your life when nothing really cool is happening to you at the moment. If I wrote about my life right now, I'd really have to cheese it up to make it worth reading.

There was a calm too eerie not to take notice of. I stood in the kitchen, bracing myself before pulling on the cold handle that distorted my reflection in front of me. BAM! 
I move back just in time, but don't react in time to save it. There it lies on the ground, its insides exposed to the cruel world in which it fell. I dropped the cottage cheese in a refrigerator avalanche. 


I wasn't expecting to see you here. For a long time I've wanted you, dreamed about you, but alas, I was expecting to open the door to utter disappointment. In a hopeless place you waited for me, and now we are united as you touch my lips. How I love you, Last Frozen Bean Burrito.


With determination on my brow, I set off as the world sets against me. I fight the dragons and other adventurers who seek to claim my land, yet rise defeated every time. My morale declines as I settle in territory in a faraway world. There are no parking spots at Target. 

So... yeah. :P 
Another reason you haven't heard from me in a while is because I'm trying to write a book! 

I've decided to go along with the idea I was discouraged about in this post. I got some inspiration and some new ideas, so I don't think I'll be copycatting anyone. I haven't gotten too far yet, and I'm hoping I'll make it to the finishing line this time, but I might as well let you guys know. : ) 

I'll try to pop in here every once and a while and try to finish some of those half-baked blog posts. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving, and didn't get trampled today. ;D