Saturday, May 26, 2012


Does this look familiar to anyone?

This creature is called a Ditto. It is a Pokemon. He's what the gum on your shoe would look like if it had a face.

Dittos pretty much do what it sounds like they do: they morph into the shape of any other Pokemon.
"You're a Mr. Mime? Ditto.
You're a Bulbasaur? Ditto.
You're a Pikachu? Me too."

Now you may be asking yourselves why on earth I'm writing about Dittos.
It's because I'm noticing how easy it is to be one.

This lesson has been screaming at me from every direction. I hear it echoing from the voices of people closest to me, and coming from people I don't even know.

Last week my Worldview class ended. The video on the last day gave a statistic, saying that 80% of college students believe there are no moral absolutes. It was sort of interesting to think about. It made me wonder how many of those students just accepted the idea without questioning it. It could be such an easy thing to do.

 I learned a lot from that class, but some of the things that stuck out the most in my mind were the stories they told of people who stood up in their college classrooms, all eyes on them, and defended an opinion that was way different from their professors and peers'. They were brave enough to speak the truth, even though it scared them to death.

I've always hated having attention drawn to me. I like to just hang out in the background and blend in with everyone else. Normally if I disagree with someone, I don't go further into the conversation. I just smile, nod, and say, "Oh." That's usually the end of it.

But what good does that do? The conversation either dies off or becomes really superficial because you're too nervous to dive into a deeper conversation with someone who might disagree with you. Who might think your opinions are "weird," "intolerant," or "backwards." Then they go their own way and you go yours, but along with your differences comes this one: You're always going to wonder what would happen if you'd have spoken up, and they won't even know.

 God doesn't want us to be Dittos; it's not how He created us to be. "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:58) 

I might touch on this subject in a different post, but one thing that's important to remember too is learning how to stand firm without being a "Bible Thumper." You don't want to be condemning or in peoples' faces. "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel." (Philippians 1:27)

So, yeah... that's my little "mini sermon," of sorts. :P lol If you have anything interesting to share, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dreaming with open eyes...

I have an addiction. It's one that makes my mind drift somewhere else, and shuts the door of reality behind me. It's an escape, taking me worlds away from the world I live in, and everywhere in between.

(It's also totally legal. ;)

I forgot how much I love to READ! 

 I have many a fond memory cradling books in my hands, letting the summer light from the window pool onto its pages. I loved going to the library. I went through several books a month. I was a certifiable bookworm.

Then came high school. And along with high school came homework. Lots of it. And the reading assignments... so many post-traumatic flashbacks...

In the four years of high school I've hardly read anything for fun. It was mostly all school books and reading assignments. By the time I was finished with those, I was burnt out, and the computer or TV always sounded better. :P

This month, though, something wonderful and terrible happened: We need a new sensor bar for our Wii. Which means no Netflix. Which means no TV. Which means I've been picking up more books lately and remembering, "Oh my GOSH... this is awesome!" I can slowly feel my bookworminess worming its way back to the surface, and I've been going through pages like Pauly D goes through hair gel. :P

It's sort of proved itself as a new distraction, though. I'm still not finished with all the homework I need to burn through before I graduate. I have a lot of reading to do, and I'm spending it all in one place. Let me tell you, though, even though it's a bit of a distraction, at least it's an interactive one. Yes, it's fiction, but in a way I still feel like I'm learning. As a writer, I forgot how inspiring it is to not only write a lot, but to read a lot. It's opened my eyes to how many interesting and creative stories there are out there. I feel... EMPOWERED.

So... yes. With that said, what are you reading right now? What are some of your favorite books?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Still here!

It's ok, you don't have to tell me, I already know. I can practically see you there, sleeping at your computers and comforting yourselves in the fetal position as you await my return. But don't worry, you needn't wait any longer.

Just kidding. ;D

I mean... about the fetal position thing. I'm not kidding about writing a new post (considering the fact that you're looking at it).

Anywho... I feel like I haven't written in forever. This is partly because I wasn't sure what to do a post on, and also because I've been reaaaaalllly busy.

So with that, I shall inform you on my whereabouts.

On Thursday, some sleep-deprived friends and I went to worldview class and got hopped up on sugar, then went to the midnight premiere of the AVENGERS!!!

For one thing, I've never been to a midnight showing of a movie. I think I chose the right one to have as my first. Oh. My. Gosh. It was so cool! Thor was like BOOM! And Hawkeye was like WHOOSH! And the Hulk was like RAWR! It was worth getting only 4 hours of sleep.

I've also been doing a lot of work raising money for Steps For Life.

Haven't heard of it? I shall inform you.

Steps For Life is an annual walkathon/fundraiser for the Pregnancy Resource Center. They're a nonprofit, pro-life organization that provides free counseling, ultrasounds and other resources for women with unplanned pregnancies. A lot of the teens from my church put together a youth team for the walk every year and raise money. Last year, by hard work, people's generosity, and the grace of God, we were able to raise over $10,000.

 So anyway... we've been plotting and planning and asking neighbors and selling our stuff. After going to see the Avengers, we all woke up at 7 AM to get ready for our garage sale. Needless to say, we were all tired. And not in our right minds.

There were kittens for sale, too!

^That one is the namesake of my insanity, "Weebattazu."

After the Garage Sale on Friday, they took me and my friend Foster out to the Spaghetti Factory to celebrate our birthdays. The waitress had the whole room singing Happy Birthday to "Forest" and "Kayla." (Yay for slightly uncommon names!)

It was an epically amazing weekend, I had a great time, and we raised $1,200! So that's what I've been up to.

This week's going to be a little less exciting. Grocery shopping and homework beckon me, and I fear I shan't be able to hold off their cries much longer.

But for anyone who's interested, I'm still trying to raise money for Steps For Life and need sponsors. If you want to donate, please please please click HERE. :D

With that, how's everyone's week so far?