Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life In Letters 3

Dear Pinterest,

You make me feel crafty when I've hardly lifted a glue gun, like an athlete when I can hardly jog for one minute, and like an inspiration although hardly anything eloquent comes out of my mouth. Also, I never realized there were that many uses for glow sticks. They seem to have so much... purpose now. 

Dear Fast Food Restaurants, 

Why must you always give your menu items dorky names? Do you think it sounds creative, or do you like to just hear us suffer as we try to say "I'd like the huckleberry hullaballoo" and have you take us seriously?
"Can I have a... urm... sundae?"
"Sure, what kind?"
"A... um... a cutiepatootiesundae?"
"Sorry, you'll need to speak up."
"I WANT A CUTIE PATOOTIE SUNDAE!" *huffs* Don't judge me.

Your frustrated customer,

Dear Whoever it was who Designed Graduation Caps,

It's a square. With a tassel on it. That attaches to your head. Really?

Dear Dancing Little Caesar's Guy, 

Your grueling job of dancing around in the hot sun and smelling your own skin baking to medium rare in an embarrassing costume is not in vain. Sometimes all it takes to brighten someone's day is to see some random dancing person on the side of the street. 
You're simply awesome. Also, you've got some nice moves.

Dear Shoes, 

Thanks for protecting my feet from random icky things on the ground, and for looking so darn cute while doing it. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Say Ahhhhkward

I did a very grownup thing a couple weeks ago.

I went to my very own doctor appointment. Without my mommy.

She couldn't make it, so she gave me the insurance card and a copay and sent me on my way. Because I don't have my license yet, my grandma came with me and a few of my sisters tagged along, so I wasn't totally alone, but it was still weird.

Because when I finally found the stinking doctor's office (which, in fact, was not the ESD building...) I was told that my appointment really wasn't at 2:30, but 2:20. Then it took a while for her to verify things. Then I had to fill out a bunch of stuff.

As I scribbled in the spaces, the nurse came out. "Kaylee Beutler?"
I awkwardly stood up with my clipboard. "Do you want me to fill this out first?"
"No, just come on back." Then she mumbles, "You're already late, so..."

Ok, so at this point we aren't friends.

The door closes behind me and I'm all alone.
I uncomfortably followed her back to the scale, and she just waited by it expectantly. I just stood there like an amish kid in an elevator.

"Get on the scale."
They didn't use the stethoscope on me that day, but her icy voice had the same effect on my mood.

I stepped onto the scale and she demanded I put my hand out so she could hook that little oxygen-thingie to my finger.

"You need to put down your purse," she said flatly.

I just wanted to do what she said so she wouldn't hurt me, so I tried to put my purse down. Which wouldn't have been a problem, had she asked me before she hooked me to the oxygen-thingie. I didn't know what to do, so I awkwardly shrugged my purse off my shoulder and let it wait at my wrist, as it threatened to zipline down the cord that stood in its way to freedom.

Even though she didn't outwardly roll her eyes, I could sense her entire being casting itself up to the heavens and asking, "why me?"

She grimly announced which room I was in (Room 13, go figure), and I walked to it like a prisoner awaiting their execution.

Something told me it wasn't the end of this awkward encounter, and I was right.

Because she sat down and asked me all sorts of questions I didn't know and probably should have. I felt like I was on a trivia show for my own life and I was losing.
"Do you have any allergies to medication?"
"Um, Sulfa... I think..."
"Well, I was a baby, so I don't really remember..."

"What pharmacy do you go to?"
"Uh... I'm not sure..." I laughed nervously. She looked at me like she'd just asked me my name and I gave her that answer.
"I think it's Fred Meyer...?"
"Ok... which one?"

At this point she hated me.

When the interrogation was over with, she huffed out of the room, but didn't take with her the awkwardness that staled the air.

I went through all that to be told I wasn't drinking enough water. (Which is good, actually). But... yeah.

I learned a little something that day: Never. I mean ever. Be late for a doctor appointment. Unless you need exercise and the kind of motivation being chased by an angry mob can give you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hallways, Driving, and Scattered Thoughts

Well hello there... 

Ok, just felt the need to creep you all out. ;) 

So I am in a very frustrating phase of my life right now. It's the "Hallway" phase. 
Maybe you've seen this picture circulating around the interwebs: 

I narcissistically think it might've been written for me. XP 

Because most days I feel like this: 

But instead of "Praising God in the hallway," I wind up maniacally running around and pounding on all the doors. Because transition phases are rough. It's like reliving your awkward years, minus the braces and frizzy hair. 

But if God calls us to praise Him in good times and the bad times, then that probably includes the mediocre times, too. 

And at the same time, I've been so busy. I've been working on getting my driver's license (which has been a 2 year endeavor...) :P So I've been doing a lot of driving. I haven't killed anything yet (although I almost killed a street light once... perhaps I'll be writing a Memory Monday on that one?)  So I'd say that's a good sign. 

This post is just meant to be a slightly random reminder that I'm still here, and I have a *ton* of catching up to do about last summer before I start writing about how amazingly awesome fall is. Every time I sit down and try to write a blog post that isn't a maze of tangents and tomfoolery, I get a little A.D.D. Just trying to make summer last longer... :D

Tomfoolery is an awesome word. 

And hey! This week is the HSBA Post Blog Nominations. You'd be my new best friend if you voted for me in the Teen category...

(Sorry, couldn't resist).
Anyway, all you need to do is click here, scroll down to "Best Teen Homeschool Blog," and put my blog name in the first box and the url to my blog ( in the second one. If you can get other people to vote for me too, (friends, family, family friends, pets, rodents, that spider on your back porch...) that'd be awesome, too. :) Love you guys!