Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hallways, Driving, and Scattered Thoughts

Well hello there... 

Ok, just felt the need to creep you all out. ;) 

So I am in a very frustrating phase of my life right now. It's the "Hallway" phase. 
Maybe you've seen this picture circulating around the interwebs: 

I narcissistically think it might've been written for me. XP 

Because most days I feel like this: 

But instead of "Praising God in the hallway," I wind up maniacally running around and pounding on all the doors. Because transition phases are rough. It's like reliving your awkward years, minus the braces and frizzy hair. 

But if God calls us to praise Him in good times and the bad times, then that probably includes the mediocre times, too. 

And at the same time, I've been so busy. I've been working on getting my driver's license (which has been a 2 year endeavor...) :P So I've been doing a lot of driving. I haven't killed anything yet (although I almost killed a street light once... perhaps I'll be writing a Memory Monday on that one?)  So I'd say that's a good sign. 

This post is just meant to be a slightly random reminder that I'm still here, and I have a *ton* of catching up to do about last summer before I start writing about how amazingly awesome fall is. Every time I sit down and try to write a blog post that isn't a maze of tangents and tomfoolery, I get a little A.D.D. Just trying to make summer last longer... :D

Tomfoolery is an awesome word. 

And hey! This week is the HSBA Post Blog Nominations. You'd be my new best friend if you voted for me in the Teen category...

(Sorry, couldn't resist).
Anyway, all you need to do is click here, scroll down to "Best Teen Homeschool Blog," and put my blog name in the first box and the url to my blog (http://www.whateverrblog.blogspot.com) in the second one. If you can get other people to vote for me too, (friends, family, family friends, pets, rodents, that spider on your back porch...) that'd be awesome, too. :) Love you guys!


  1. You, my dear, need to watch movies and create epic baked goods with me while you're in the hallway. Just say'in. :p :)

    Great post!! How true it is...

  2. Yes! Please tell us about how you almost killed a street light!

    Your new best friend,


You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the feedback!