Thursday, June 14, 2012


This post has no direction whatsoever. Why? Because I need to write more, but I'm out of brilliant ideas and all that's left are random musings about infomercials and baby hippos.

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, I thought I'd write a post on why llamas are cooler than alpacas. Then I woke up and realized I thought that. Then it didn't sound so amazing. But I leave you with this: Sure, llamas are ugly, but alpacas are that kind of cute that is simultaneously creepy enough to write a Tim Burton movie about.

I got a camera for my birthday a few months ago in hopes that it would be easier to use a more compact little point and shoot camera for my blog posts. Then I lost it. >_< So I won't have any amazing selfies to post. (I'm probably doing you all a favor... who likes to look at other people's selfies?!)
Just kidding, I never take selfies. :P hehe

My church does an annual bike ride for Father's Day, and I'm totally excited! It sort of has me thinking about getting in shape, though. I mean, occasionally I do some lifting (somehow that fork has to get to my mouth), but I rarely exercise. So I got some awesome Nikes with neon pink laces! The fact that I spent like, $60 in graduation money should be motivation enough to put them to use. :P I think I'm going to try running. If you see any posts after this that aren't written like "jfhesklhgjkrdhgfkvrdhbkdrl," you can assume that I'm still alive and mentally stable.

I saw Snow White and the Huntsman last night. It was cool, creepy, and really weird at the same time. haha I liked it. I might write more about it in a separate post. :)

Life is hard, but God is good. I'm so glad that I can go to Him when I'm having a hard time. Sometimes I can be so ridiculously dramatic that I just go, "Nope. I don't need to pray. I'll just feel pathetic a little longer." It's almost like rotting your teeth drinking syrupy soda all the time, then switching back to water and remembering how good water is. XD

Now I'm thirsty. :P

Anyway... yeah. I think that's all the random topics I can scrape out of my brain right now.

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