Friday, September 7, 2012

Summit 1

I'm back from my summer filled with long car rides, Wonka candy, pillow fights and Journey music. I think it's safe to say that it was the best two weeks EVER.

I'll probably be doing a few posts on this, or else you'll be sitting at your computer screen until your eyeballs roll back in your skull and you start foaming at the mouth (and nobody wants to see that!) So I'll start at the beginning and work my way through.

We all hopped into the van at 5 am and prepared ourselves for the 14 hour drive ahead. It sounded daunting and exciting to me at the same time. I'm one of the weirdos who actually like long car rides. :P

As you can see from the blurry picture above, it was barely light out. I could've slept for another hour or so in the car, but I was way too excited.

We had a lot to look at, anyway. The windmills reminded me of giant, retarded pinwheels that just sort of hung out in the heat of the day.

Like the entire trip, the car ride somehow felt really long and really short at the same time. We took a few breaks to stretch our legs, and we played frisbee at a gas station for a while. Just, you know, 'cause we're amazing. :P

There came a point where I definitely felt like I wasn't in Oregon anymore. I think it was when we started driving past the gynormous mountains, canyons, and Mormon churches (we counted about 40 when we drove through Utah!) It seemed like a weird feeling to feel the same but in a totally different backdrop... if that makes any sense. :P

We stopped in Utah and stayed the night with a friend's relatives, and, like the crazy people we are, we went to the park and played "Lava Monster". Then we danced on the lawn.

Then my head hit the pillow and I fell asleep instantly.
It's weird how exhausting it can be to just sit all day... 


  1. Nice. :) One thing though, "we" did not play Frisbee, you refused. :p :)
    ~Anna P.

    1. I played frisbee! :P I took pictures first, though. XD


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