I remember growing up in 4 different houses at different points of my childhood. There was the house that used to belong to my Auntie Gayle, my grandma and grandpa's house in Gladstone, our house in Banks, and our current house, where we've lived for the last 9 years.
In my 17 years, I've had the opportunity to be both a country mouse and a city mouse. (Ok... where I live isn't exactly the "city"... Suburban Mouse, maybe?) Our house in the country was on 1 1/2 acres. It had a good size orchard, with trees the perfect size for a 7-year-old to climb. We'd spend more time outside than we did inside. It was awesome.
I remember moving into our neighborhood and realizing how different it was. The houses were so close together, the people weren't as friendly, and -- terror of terrors -- there were no trees to climb! I remember actually crying over that.
We live in a neighborhood where people are constantly moving in and out, so in the 9 years we've been here, we've seen our share of neighbors. Some of them were awesome, some were strange, and some were just plain scary. Here, let me show you! (Note... some of the names have been changed)
The Snodgrasses: Two houses down on the corner lived Harriet Snodgrass, with her older sister, Bertha. The Snodgrasses were the first people to welcome us into the neighborhood. I played with Bertha for only a short while until she became a teenager and decided she was too old to play with me. :P After that point, I'd go to their house with Karissa and we'd play with Harriet. She had a really cool room with a loft and HUNDREDS of "Littlest Pet Shop" toys. The only problem was that she... um... liked to play a little rough. She liked to pretend she was a cat, so she used to jump on me and scratch me sometimes. She also tried to kill me once.
Maybe the years have eroded my memory a bit, but I distinctly remember gasping for air under her comforter as she sat on it, laughing maniacally. But... I could be wrong. :P
The Yegermanjensens: Jenny Yegermanjensen was a cute little girl around Kyla's age who we sort of adopted by accident. The second we met her, she stuck to us like glue. She sort of stalked us a little bit. She was at our house every day and went with us everywhere for a while. Eventually they moved out, and the Watsons moved in.
The Watsons: We were a little bummed after Jenny moved (although she was a bit of a stalker), but our feelings of grief were soon replaced with the excitement of new neighbors. The Watsons moved in next door, and they were great. They had 3 little kids around my sisters' ages. I have a lot of fun memories with these guys. We caught frogs with them, went to the park with them (I mentioned one outing here), and they were my first babysitting gig. *sighsnostalgically*
We were all sad when they moved away, but luckily we've kept in touch. :D
The Kid That We Stalk: Yes, this sounds creepy. There's this kid in our neighborhood. He has a bowl haircut with fire engine red hair, he's really cute and chubby as heck, and he only wears striped polo shirts. Plus, we see him everywhere. Like... wherever we turn, there he is. So it sort of feels like we're stalking him, but we're not. Hence the name.
Popcorn Boy: I remember the day I met Popcorn Boy. We were playing with Harriet and Bertha in our backyard, and Bertha started talking to him from behind the fence. I think he was pushing his sister around in a wheelbarrow, and he was all excited about his bag of popcorn because he put vanilla in it. I introduced myself and told him we just moved in. He welcomed us to the neighborhood, and gave us a bag of popcorn. He's been Popcorn Boy ever since. His brother soon came to be known as "Cheeser guy" because we'd hear him yelling at his dog, Cheeser (Ginger? Chopper? We could never tell what he was really saying).
To be continued next week...
This post made my day. :) Sounds like you had a very interesting childhood!
ReplyDeleteBtw, the picture of Mr. Rogers brought back many memories...