Today I went to the Power House Conference held at our Church.
The speaker?

Gregg Harris.
You know how sometimes (although you don't like to admit it) the speaker's sermon isn't exactly the best, or it just doesn't leap out at you? So you sort of wind up spacing out and staring at the backs of people's heads while fighting the urge to drift off to lala land? (DON'T JUDGE ME! You know it's happened to you!)
Well, Mr. Harris is not that speaker. ;)
He's come to my Church on a couple occasions, and I really like his sermons. My brain and his sermons are good buddies, because a lot of the time he likes to use stories and analogies to get his points across.
So here are a few of the things I learned:
If you're single and want to marry someone with good character, work on your own! It doesn't help looking for someone who's a good listener if you're an awful listener. You can't expect to find someone who's selfless if you don't become selfless.
Dating sometimes gives you a bad impression of who a person is, because you're not seeing how they react with their family. Courtship allows you to view them in their "natural habitat," and see how they interact with their family, because, chances are, the way he treats his mom is the way he'll one day treat you. (Here's my post on courtship, for people who are interested...)
How do you avoid contact with people?
(This point was from a different sermon). Have you ever thought of this? I thought it was sort of an interesting point he was trying to make. He was saying that we need to reach out to people as witnesses for Christ, but instead we sort of avoid opportunities where we can do this. This message was one of the messages I heard today that hit me the most, because it fell on the ears of a girl who's used to doing this:

It's not that I'm anti-social... just slightly awkward and horrible with coming up with topics to talk about. Once I can get in a conversation, it normally goes just fine; it's just starting the conversation! It's just one of those things that falls out of my comfort zone, but that's all the reason why I should do it anyway, right? ;)
Anyone else struggle with this one? Any suggestions?
Yes, I have trouble starting conversations too. :P As for a suggestion, maybe we could begin with new people at church. And I'd love to see a post on courtship!