Monday, April 2, 2012

Memory Monday: The One That Got Away...

A short, yet tragic story of lost love.

It was any ordinary day. I was minding my own business, when out of the woodwork, from seemingly nowhere, came you. You with your jet-black hair and chocolate eyes. It was then that I hoped we would be together forever...

He was a dog.
A real one.

No really, he was an actual dog. We found him on our property one summer afternoon. He was really cute, and for me, it was love at first sight (this was back when I was a dog person...) :P

Karissa and I played with him all afternoon while my mom and dad talked about what to do with him. We really considered keeping him, because he didn't have any tags. We also made the fatal mistake of giving him a name. He was "Benny," and as far as I was concerned, he was my Benny.

Then, the fateful moment came when my grandpa found out that Benny belonged to one of the teachers at the elementary school by our house. I came to the tragic realization that Benny would have to be returned. I sobbed like a baby for about 15 minutes, then I pulled myself together and we all walked to the elementary school.

I braced myself as we walked into his owner's office. She smiled and started petting Benny, and said, "You found Plug!"

Wait... what???

Benny. My Benny. His real name is... PLUG?!

"My son named him," she giggled while rolling her eyes.

I was grossed out. It somehow kept reminding me of hair caught in a shower drain. I don't know if that helped or not, but after that I wasn't too broken up over not keeping Plug.


  1. XD Your life is great, my goodness. :)

    1. Why thank you, your life is pretty exciting as well. ;D


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