Monday, December 26, 2011

2 Birthdays

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!!!

Mine was pretty good. :)

It started out just about the same as it always does... people groggily stumbling down the stairs for our annual picture on the staircase.

My Grandparents came out to watch us open presents.
...And yes, despite the fact that we had to leave a couple waffles out for Santa because we didn't have time to make cookies, he still came. ;)

...And as far as the presents go, I didn't do too bad this year. ;) (THANKS EVERYONE!)
I got the coolest leather-bound Bible, NKJV, with silver pages (this is what it looks like from the outside...)

A couple of my favorite movies ("Sherlock Holmes," and "27 Dresses."), 5 new diaries to indulge my writing addiction, and this little baby riiiight here:
It's amazing. :D

Also... Kyla got me this for my Secret Santa gift:
I totally love her music the more I listen to her. :D Her voice is so cool!

Ok, my bragging is over with. :D

After present-opening we had a HUUUUGE brunch, and then we went to my grandparents' house. :)
And my mom's cousin James came to visit, too.
...and, as the title suggested, our family celebrated 2 birthdays yesterday.
I think you can guess who the first person's birthday was... ;)

But the second birthday was my sister, Karissa's.
She turned FIFTEEN yesterday. O_o I still find that really weird, since I still vividly remember this:

Also, it seemed like yesterday *I* was fifteen. Pretty soon I'll be all old, covered in wrinkles and sitting in a creaky old rocking chair in some retirement home, fighting with my roommate over a game of checkers........

But I'm getting ahead of myself. :P

She had a good birthday. :) She got her greenbean casserole for dinner (her favorite), and...
She got a cellphone.
I'm not sure, but I think she likes it... ;)

So yeah. Christmas/Karissa's birthday= Awesome. :D

Also... If you've made it to the end of this post, I commend you. :P

^Those cheeks. O_O


  1. I made it! * collapses in mental shock * :p :)
    Lovely post, I can't wait to see more!

    ~Anna P.

  2. Awww fun! I deserve a trophy ;)
    Hey, we take an annual picture on the stairs, too! Thanks for sharing! <3

  3. LOL, Anna :D

    Really, Ellen? Nice. ^_^ I don't think I've grown any more patient to go downstairs as long as we've been doing them. :D lol


You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the feedback!