Hello world, and all who inhabit it!
So far, this has been one of those hectic weeks where you don't have a point in your day to stop and gasp for air. :P It's also been a pretty fun week, and since I've finally won some free time, I can take a quick breather and fill you in. (If you're interested in my day-to-day existence...)
Monday was pure awesomeness! My sister, Karissa, and I went to some friends' house to hang out. We wound up making doughnuts and my friend Josh made some *amazing* french fries (They're like the McDonald's fries, but better!) for lunch, along with hot dogs. Then we played on their "Whirly-Gig."

Yup, it's pretty awesome. XD
Then we got a gun and shot at a house.
(Don't worry... it was a gingerbread house... ;)
It was the first time I've ever shot a gun! (Scratch that off my imaginary bucket list...)
I actually shot the house a couple times (as opposed to the wood pile behind it), but it didn't do too much damage.
By the time everyone was finished, though, the once happy gingerbread house lay in ruins, left as nothing more but food for the chickens.
Maybe I shouldn't be so proud of myself... Those poor, unsuspecting gingerbread people!
Anyway... moving on to Tuesday. Yes, Tuesday. The day where it took roughly, from start to finish, 6-8 hours to clean my bedroom. That's what I did. All. Day. It was a tough battle, but I came out of it alive and at least partly sane... *twitchtwitch*
Wednesday is my volunteer day at B.E.A.T Stables. (By the way, a new blog post about B.E.A.T Stables is coming out next week!) We swept hallways mostly this week, because one of our employers was out with back problems. :( We made sweeping fun, though, because we chatted the whole time. : )
Thursday I went to help my Grandpa at the Legion Hall where they play bingo. He said they needed more people to help out. If I didn't go, I'd probably just sit around and stare at the wall (as we home schoolers tend to do... Just kidding. ;)
... So I came, I saw, I met a nice old lady, I served popcorn, and I won $25 playing bingo when they didn't need my help. :) It was a good night.
Friday's really not worth my time or yours writing down. :P It was pretty slow. It was busy in the sense that I actually got some school done, but you might not want to hear the specifics of Algebra, Psychology, or Winston Churchill (although he's a really cool guy!)
And that brings us to today (Saturday, if anyone's wondering... ;) There was a horse show today at the stable, so Anna and I came out to help, and to give some moral support for a friend who was in the show (She won first place!!!) :) We manned the snack table and watched sadly as all the doughnuts disappeared. :P Well... all the doughnuts except for a jelly doughnut with a chunk sliced off of it. o_o
Speaking of which... Jelly doughnuts: What are your thoughts? Gross? Amazing? Meh?.......
I don't like them. :P
(Hm... I'm beginning to wonder how big this nutshell is that I'm trying to stuff my week into... ;)
As far as other random tidbits for the week... I'm really excited because I just signed up for a Summit conference in Colorado! (Never heard of Summit Ministries? Click here.) I've only been to one other state before in my life, and if we drive to the conference, I'll be to about... 4? (I think...? haha)
If we wind up flying there, it would be my first time flying in an airplane! (Yet another thing to scratch off my nonexistent bucket list.)
Also, Valentine's Day is next week. :) Can we say love songs, romantic comedies and CHOCOLATE?!
Here's a little song to get you in the Valentine's Day spirit.
Not only do I love this song, but the music video's pretty cool. :)
Have a great weekend, everyone!!!
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