Friday, January 27, 2012

You're Weird...

Oh, that moment when you're talking to someone, and you can see how weird they think you are by that look on their face. Oh, c'mon, you've probably seen that look at least once.

Yupp, that one.
Or sometimes you get someone who's actually blunt enough to express that face in words: "You're weird."

You could react to this statement in two different ways.
  1. You could allow your head to sag in despair and wallow in your own self-pity
  2. You could stand up straight, smile, and say, "Thank you."
Which one do you do?

I honestly don't give a darn if someone thinks I'm weird. I almost see it as a compliment. Why is weird is a bad thing?

Ok... maybe it's a bad thing if you're that kid who sits in the corner, eating their own boogers (ew...); but I'm confident that none of my viewers fit *that* level of weirdness. ;)

People say, "Be different! Stand out! Express yourself!" but do they really mean it? People who try to be different are normally shunned. :P
Also... what if your version of standing out is to be a light for Christ? What if your way of expressing yourself is by being the kind of person God wants you to be? When the world tells you to be different, they're thinking you'd join an indie band or get an eyebrow piercing... but if your "different" isn't the "different" they expect, it's deemed as "weird." If you choose to live in obedience to God, you're considered weird and brainwashed. Does anyone else think this is just plain... silly?

Although it seems so easy to let the comments just slide off, it's not always that easy. I sometimes worry too much about what people think of me. I've blown opportunities to witness to people, or even to just brighten someone's day by fear of what they think of me. "What if the conversation dead ends and it gets awkward?" or, "What if I make a joke and they... *gasp* don't laugh???" We all care way too much about what people think of us.

Also... God made us different! How boring would it be if we were all cookie-cutter copies of each other? Would life be half as interesting if we all thought the same way, had the same sense of humor, and enjoyed the same interests? God didn't press us out on a conveyor belt; We're custom-designed. ;)

However... this is coming from someone who lives in Oregon, home of one of the weirdest cities there is... XD lol

But anyway, next time someone says you're weird or gives you that infamous face...

Don't sweat it, because hey! At least they'll remember you, right?

Photo credit:


  1. Haha this is great. I've definitely gotten that face before!

  2. Ah, haven't we all? :) lol Thanks for reading!

  3. Hehehe, how true. This is great. Another great reminder!
    I hope you have a marvelously blessed day!
    ~Anna P.


You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the feedback!